JULY | Activating Our Sol/Soul with Kimi


Peak summer energy offers a perfect opportunity to tap into our creativity, vitality and joy. A time of abundance and fertility, as many plants and animals thrive during this season, it beckons us to embrace moments of expansiveness, growth and possibility inherent in the natural world. We will invite a space for reflection, qigong movement and art making that will allow us to tap into our inner wisdom and sync into the rhythms of nature.

Materials needed: An open heartmind, a candle; a yellow object from nature that symbolizes the sun (i.e. sunflower, citrine stone, honey etc.); a black sharpie marker; paper, and coloring supplies (markers, watercolor, crayons etc).

DATE : Monday, July 15
TIME : 6-7:30pm PDT
LOCATION : Online on Zoom

Zoom link will be sent the day-of program, and you’ll receive a recording available for 3 months after the program date.

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The RITUALS series.

A vibrant offering of seasonal rituals to nourish heart, mind, body, and spirit.

Offered online on the third Monday of each month, these 90-minute sessions provide an accessible, shared space to dive into guided ritual practice. 

Connect to presence, nature, the elements of the season, and your sacred self.

Drop into one ritual, sign up for a season, or join us for the full year of RITUALS.


Meet your guide.

Kimi Mojica

coming soon