Herbal Toolkits for Womb Tending

With Hannah Pearl Walcott

Saturdays 10am-1pm

May 18th & May 25th

In-person in Richmond, CA

Every earthside human alive today has this in common — we are made of earthly and cosmic matter, and we have all come from a womb.

As with the earth itself, the womb is made of environments with various ecosystems, biomes, and languages. In this way, one could look at womb health as the earth’s health. Our ancestors knew how to listen to the land, live in reciprocity with it, and be good stewards. Can we learn how to be good stewards of the womb, whether or not we were born with one ourselves? Can we call on our ancestral wisdom streams to help us tend to the womb as we would tend to a thriving garden? This workshop is open to all bodies and gender expressions, whether or not you were born with a womb. Let's do some collective tending!

This introductory workshop is for you if:

  • You want to expand your knowledge of plant medicines indicated for womb healing related to the menstrual cycle, menopause, fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, and various womb states such as endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, etc.

  • You want to support the womb health of a loved one, friend, family member

  • You are a practitioner of the healing arts who would like to grow their womb tending toolkits in service to their community

This workshop includes:

  • Two 3 hour sessions

  • Materia medica overview of a selection of womb plants, aka uterine tonics. Examples include Nettles, Raspberry Leaf, Red Clover, Rose, Cramp Bark, Oat Tops and much more. 

  • Medicine making jam session. "Womb Brews" will include tincture blends, massage oils, and loose herb blends for tea or yoni steams.

  • Plenty of time for questions and group discussions

  • After the first session, participants will be encouraged to find out about one or two herbs that their ancestors used for womb healing. In the second class there will be time for us to share our findings.

Meet us here.

Time and Date

Saturday May 18th & Saturday May 25th


In-person at a wheelchair accessible, private garden space in East Richmond Heights, CA. Address provided upon registration.

Tea and snacks will be served starting at 9:30am both days.

There will be an optional group potluck at 1pm after our second class on 5/25.

About Hannah Pearl

Hannah Pearl is an interdisciplinary artist, herbalist, medicine maker and mother. She originally hails from New York, and is presently living in Richmond, CA. She is currently offering individual well-being consultations, making plant medicine brews for her product line, teaching herbal workshops, learning from the plants, and raising her son. For more information please visit hannahpearlapothecary.com

Register for Hearth: Herbal Toolkits for Womb Tending

HEARTH: Herbal Toolkits for Womb Tending Complete Registration
One time
For 4 weeks

Total tuition

HEARTH: Herbal Toolkits for Womb Tending Abundant Registration
One time
For 4 weeks

Pay minimum tuition plus a contribution of $100 to our scholarship fund, supporting further access of these programs to marginalized communities.